Fire Emergency Plans

The emergency plan is a written document which provides guidance on the actions to be taken in an emergency situation. It assists in co-ordinating the responses of all the occupants.

EAL can produce bespoke plans which fully consider factors such as occupancy type; risk profile; size and complexity of the premises.

Experienced consultants

EAL consultants have all been operational fire officers with extensive experience of dealing with real fire evacuations in complex buildings and understand what is required for effective planning and implementation.

EAL consultants have extensive experience of gathering site specific risk information to inform the production of detailed site specific plans and procedures. Mike O’Mahony M.I.Fire.E, the founder of EAL, was a key member of the team which produced Merseyside Fire & Rescue Services’ Site Specific Risk Information System.

EAL consultants are either Members or Graduates of The Institution of Fire Engineers.

Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements and for a no – obligation quote from our team